Barbro Ohlson Smith
Stockholm, Sweden
2m, 30 sec
⁄ Sculpture
Soap bars on ceramic tiles ⁄ Vårsalongen, Liljevalchs 2020
This minimalist sculpture reflects on the public health rituals that defined 2020. Daily actions – such as washing hands and maintaining distance – became conscious acts to demonstrate solidarity and consideration for others. Handwashing turned into a deliberate ritual, and keeping two metres apart became essential for survival.
Using bar soap as my medium, I explore its varied forms, colours and scents – from soft with rounded edges to hard and angular, from vibrant to translucent, from subtle to bold. Each bar of soap carries its own presence, an everyday object made significant.
Arranged in a two-metre line, the soap bars offer viewers a concrete physical example of what a two-metre distance looks and feels like and invites them to reflect on these new rituals and their impact on us as individuals and as a society.
Featured in:
—Kulturnyheterna, Svt
—Dagens Nyheter
—Svenska Dagbladet
—Dagens Industri
2m, 30sec
Soap bars on ceramic tiles
200x8x21 cm